Instructions for Authors

About the journal


Brief History


The Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery (BJCVS) is the official publication of the Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular (SBCCV), founded in 1969 as the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology. In 1986, the department evolved into the Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular, which established the BJCVS as its official publication and, since then, has been a continuous source of knowledge in the area.

BJCVS has undergone changes in its publication frequency over the years. Initially, it was published three times per year, then increased to four times per year (from 1992 to 2014), and further expanded to six times per year starting in 2015. In August 2023, BJCVS started to adopt rolling publishing, with six editions per year featuring content exclusively in English. Since its inception, the journal has been uninterruptedly edited and distributed free of charge to SBCCV members, with free online access to all issues.

BJCVS aims to register scientific production and innovation in cardiovascular surgery, in addition to fostering the study, improvement and the ongoing development of professionals in the specialty, thereby exerting significant impacts on the practice of cardiovascular surgery and its related areas.

The journal plays a crucial role in scientific communication in cardiovascular surgery across Brazil, South America, Mexico, and the Caribbean, standing as the only regular journal in this field across these regions. In addition, BJCVS has adopted innovative practices in scientific communication, such as the adoption of DOI (Digital Object Identifier), XML file markup, and, currently, Open Science practices. It is also present on social media platforms such as Facebook and X, as well as a blog, and is available in digital formats like ePub/eBook and Flip, extending its reach to a wider audience.

The BJCVS is included in important databases, both international and national, which increases the visibility and impact of its published articles.

Embracing Open Science principles, BJCVS encourages transparency and unrestricted access to knowledge. This commitment is reflected in practices such as publishing preprints and ensuring open access to all its articles.

The abbreviated title, “Braz J Cardiovasc Surg”, is designated for use in bibliographies and bibliographic references



Open Science Compliance


BJCVS follows the Green Open Access model.
The Open Science movement advocates for collaborative, transparent, and public scientific practices.

BJCVS undergoes a rigorous peer-review process, and adheres to the principles of Open Science. This commitment is reflected in our editorial policy, which promotes transparency and free access to knowledge. We adopt practices such as publishing preprints and providing open access to all articles, ensuring that discoveries and innovations in cardiovascular surgery are accessible to researchers, clinicians, and the general public without barriers.

BJCVS adopts various measures, to uphold integrity and transparency, including a code of good practices for authors, reviewers, and editors, as well as an open access policy. Additionally, it requires the precise attribution of author roles in multi-authored articles and encourages the sharing of datasets and supplementary materials through open online repositories.

Upon manuscript submission, authors are asked to complete the Open Science Compliance Form, in which authors share manuscript information in accordance with Open Science communication practices.



Ethics in Publication


BJCVS maintains a steadfast commitment to upholding good practices and ethics in scientific publishing. All submitted papers are expected to adhere to high ethical standards, encompassing accuracy in data, transparency in authorship, and full disclosure of potential conflicts of interest. The integrity of research is fundamental to us, and any form of misconduct, such as plagiarism, will be treated seriously by the journal's editorial board.

Adherence to COPE Guidelines: BJCVS adheres to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines, ensuring that we maintain international standards in addressing ethical issues in publishing. This includes, but is not limited to, guidelines on authorship, conflicts of interest, privacy, consent, and standards for dealing with potential instances of publishing misconduct.



Focus and Scope


BJCVS is committed to sharing original and innovative research in the field of cardiovascular surgery. Our goal is to publish articles that significantly contribute to the advancement of knowledge and practice in cardiac surgery and its related areas. This includes, but is not limited to, clinical and experimental studies, new surgical techniques, literature reviews, and discussions on ethical aspects and healthcare policies related to the specialty.



Digital Preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program's Digital Preservation Policy



Indexing Databases



Bibliographic Cataloging Sheet

  • Title: Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery
  • Abbreviation: Braz J Cardiovasc Surg
  • Published by: Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular
  • Frequency: annual
  • Publishing mode: rolling publishing
  • Year of journal creation: 1986


Websites and Social Media






BJCVS recognizes the importance of new scientific mediums and enables readers and researchers to have faster access to recent research findings prior to its publication. Therefore, BJCVS welcomes manuscripts that have been deposited on non-commercial preprint servers.

A preprint is a preliminary version of a scientific work that is publicly shared in online repositories before undergoing peer review and eventual publication in a scientific journal. It is a way to accelerate the process of scientific communication, enabling researchers to promptly share their findings with the academic community. Preprints can be found in public repositories such as bioRxiv and medRxiv, dedicated to biology and medicine publications, respectively. These repositories, maintained by non-profit organizations, provide free access to the public for reading and downloading purposes.

To ensure transparency and integrity in handling preprints submitted to BJCVS, authors are encouraged to provide the following information:

  • Preprint Identification: Authors must provide information about the preprint, including its title, authors, repository name where it was published, publication date and DOI.
  • Relationship with the Submitted Work: Authors should clarify the connection between the preprint and the work submitted to the journal, for example, if the preprint is an earlier version or if it contains complementary information.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest related to the preprint, such as funding from a company or institution with an interest in the work.

BJCVS recommends completing the Open Science Compliance Form, that must be submitted as a Supplementary File along with the manuscript. This information is important for the BJCVS editors to evaluate the originality and relevance of the submitted work, as well as to avoid duplication or redundant information in subsequent publications.

Peer review process

BJCVS adopts a double-anonymous peer review process to ensure an unbiased judgment and the quality of published articles. The process includes the following steps:

  1. Initial Evaluation by the Editor: After submission, the Editor assesses whether the manuscript complies with the journal’s scope and quality standards. Manuscripts failing to meet these criteria are rejected at this stage.
  2. Standards Compliance: The Editorial Assistant verifies if the manuscript adheres to the Instructions to Authors. Otherwise, the manuscript is returned to the authors for adjustments. Once the requirements are met, the manuscript proceeds to the Editor-in-Chief.
  3. Editor-in-Chief Review: The Editor-in-Chief evaluates the manuscript and, if deemed appropriate, assigns an Associate Editor, who selects expert reviewers for further assessment.
  4. Reviewer Opinions: Reviewers evaluate the manuscript anonymously and submit their opinions through the ScholarOne system. Based on these opinions, the Associate Editor makes a preliminary recommendation, which is forwarded to the Editor-in-Chief.
  5. Final Decision: The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision on the manuscript, which can be accepted, rejected, or returned for revisions. This decision is communicated to the authors

Transparency and Openness in Peer Review Policy:

  1. Disclosure of the Responsible Editor(s): BJCVS will publish the names of the associated editors and reviewers responsible for the evaluation in the final article. This practice reinforces the journal's commitment to editorial integrity of and acknowledges editors for their crucial role in maintaining publication quality standards.
  2. Transparency Options in Peer Review: BJCVS offers additional options, subject to mutual agreement between authors and reviewers:

a. Publication of Reviewer Opinions: Opinions of the reviewers can be published alongside the article, with the option for reviewers to remain anonymous.
b. Mutual Dsiclosure of Identities: Authors and reviewers can choose to reveal their identities during the evaluation process if desired.

These options should be discussed and agreed between authors and reviewers, then communicated to BJCVS during the submission and evaluation stages. Adherence to these practices is voluntary and seeks to promote an open and transparent evaluation environment, respecting the confidentiality preferences of all involved parties

Preprint Peer Review Process

Although BJCVS follows the double-anonymized peer review process for manuscripts submitted to the journal, this process cannot be implemented for preprints due to the known identities of authors and reviewers. However, BJCVS adopts the peer review process with unique anonymization for preprints, in which the reviewers are aware of the preprint authors, but not vice versa. This ensures a rigorous and unbiased evaluation of the preprints before a possible publication in BJCVS.

Whenever necessary, BJCVS may request detailed information from preprint authors regarding the methodology used in the research, results obtained and conclusions reached, so that the reviewers can properly evaluate the quality of the work.

BJCVS may also ask authors for information about any peer review the preprint has already gone through in another repository, if applicable, to assist reviewers in conducting a more comprehensive assessment of the preprint quality.



Open Data


BJCVS is committed to the Guidelines for promoting openness, transparency and reproducibility of research published by SciELO journals (TOP Guidelines), aiming to improve the quality and transparency of published research. These guidelines emphasize the importance of clarity in the evidence supporting study conclusions.

To align with these principles, BJCVS requests that all datasets associated with submitted manuscripts be accompanied by the Open Science Compliance Form. This form must be completed in detail by the authors, highlighting how the research adheres to Open Science standards, and submitted as a Supplemental File with the manuscript.

This practice ensures that all relevant data is available for review and analysis, contributing to the integrity and reproducibility of scientific research. Adherence to these guidelines reinforces BJCVS's commitment to transparency and excellence in scientific publishing.

Clinical Trial Data: For manuscripts reporting clinical trial data, BJCVS adopts the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) on the sharing of such data. Data availability statements should be clear and detailed, including the following information:

  • Data Availability with Controlled Access:
    • The statement should explain the reasons for controlled access, such as privacy issues or ethical and legal considerations.
    • Access conditions must be accurately described, including contact information for access requests and deadlines for response.
    • Any restrictions on data usage, such as data use agreements, must be clearly indicated. A copy or link to the data use agreement must be available if requested by the editors.
    • Restrictions on data reuse or authorship requirements must be explicitly described in the manuscript and communicated to the editors at the time of submission.
    • Editors retain the right to refuse manuscript consideration if data access restrictions are excessively restrictive.
  • Third Party Data:
    • Where data obtained from third parties cannot be shared, specific restrictions should be clearly stated in the data availability statement.
    • Authors must make data available for peer review, if requested, respecting the terms of any data use agreement and in compliance with ethical and legal requirements.
  • Citation Standards: All data, program codes, and methods must be appropriately cited using DOIs, journal citations or other persistent identifiers. Exceptional situations that require different treatment, such as confidential information under non-disclosure agreements, must be communicated to the editor up to the manuscript review stage and clearly mentioned in the Acknowledgements (see Citations and References).
  • Data Standards: All data used must be accessible to any researcher for the purpose of reproducing or expanding the analysis. Data should either be included in the article or deposited in specialized community repositories or general-purpose repositories. Some examples include Dryad, Figshare, Zenodo, Mendeley Data, OSF, and the SciELO Data repository. Special situations, such as privacy protection or the acquisition of data from third parties, should be discussed with the editor as early as possible and clearly indicated in the Acknowledgments.
  • Transparency in Analytical Methods (Code): The Methods section should provide sufficient detail to allow study replication. Materials or samples used in the analysis must be available to any researcher for direct replication. Any restrictions on material availability, as well as Material Transfer Agreements (MTAs), must be disclosed to the editor until the manuscript review stage and specified in the Acknowledgments.


Publication Fees


BJCVS does not charge fees for submitting, reviewing, publishing, distributing or downloading articles, ensuring that publication remains entirely free and with open access.



Ethics and Misconduct, Erratum, and Retraction Policyo


BJCVS strictly adheres to ethical publication guidelines and actively combats scientific misconduct. Any cases of plagiarism, data falsification, duplicate publications, undisclosed conflicts of interest, or other forms of scientific misconduct, once identified, will be addressed seriously by the Editorial Board. The journal reserves the right to take appropriate actions, which may include rejection of the manuscript, prohibition of future submissions from the authors involved, and communication of infractions to affiliated institutions.

  • Erratum: BJCVS recognizes the importance of rectifying any errors that may arise following the publication of an article. If a significant error is identified, authors must inform the journal immediately. An erratum will be published as soon as possible to detail the corrections and ensure the accuracy and completeness of the scientific record.
  • Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism (Text Recycling): BJCVS strictly prohibits plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Self-plagiarism refers to the reuse of significant parts of an author's own previously published work without proper citation. Manuscripts found to engage in text recycling will be rejected, and authors may face sanctions from the Editorial Board.
  • Duplicate and Redundant Publication: BJCVS publishes only original content. It is strictly prohibited to simultaneously submit a study to multiple journals or to divide the results of a study into several articles (known as salami publication). Violations of this policy will result in rejection or retraction of the article and may result in sanctions imposed by the Editorial Board.
  • Fabrication and Falsification of Data: Instances of fraud as image manipulation, data fabrication or falsification will lead to the immediate exclusion of the manuscript from the evaluation process and may incur sanctions imposed by the Editorial Board.
  • Corrections and Retraction: In cases involving significant errors or instances of scientific misconduct, such as plagiarism or data falsification, a retraction of the article may be necessary. The decision to retract an article is made by the editor-in-chief, after careful investigation and, if necessary, consultation with external experts. The retraction will be clearly identified as such and will remain linked to the original article on the journal's website, preserving the transparency and integrity of the academic record
  • Use of Chatbots in Manuscripts Submitted to BJCVS: To ensure the integrity and reliability of results and conclusions presented in scientific manuscripts that use chatbots such as Bard, Bing, and ChatGPT, and to maintain public trust in the findings and advancements presented, BJCVS supports the recommendations outlined by the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) ( regarding ethical considerations related to these technologies in scientific manuscripts, namely:

Transparency: Authors should be transparent about the use of chatbots in the manuscript writing process, including detailed information (name, version, model, and source) about how the technology was used and what was the role played by chatbots in the development of the text.

Responsibility: Authors must be responsible for the work performed by chatbots in their manuscripts, including the accuracy of present content and the absence of plagiarism. Human authors should also be able to state the absence of plagiarism in their articles, including any text generated by chatbots.

Attribution: Authors must ensure proper attribution of all sources, including material generated by chatbots. Authors should also seek out and cite sources that support statements produced by chatbots.

Limitations: Authors should discuss the limitations and potential biases associated with using chatbots in the production of scientific texts.

Authors should disclose the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process by adding a statement at the end of the main manuscript file before the References section. The statement should be placed in a new section entitled “Declaration of Generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies in the Writing Process.”

Statement: During the preparation of this work, the author(s) used [NAME OF the TOOL/SERVICE] for the purpose of [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the publication.

This statement does not apply to the use of basic tools for grammar and spelling checking, as well as reference management, among other practices. If there is nothing to reveal, there is no need to add a statement.

These policies are critical to maintaining the high ethical standards of scientific publishing and ensuring confidence in the integrity of the content published by BJCVS.



Conflicts of Interest Policy


At BJCVS, we understand that transparency about competing interests is essential to make the best editorial decisions and to maintain the trust of our readers. We therefore require all participants in the publication process—authors, reviewers, and editors—to declare any potential sources of conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest, often referred to as a competing interest, is any financial, personal, religious, political or other affiliations or relationships that may influence or could be perceived to influence the objectivity and integrity of an author, reviewer or editor. This includes, but is not limited to, patents, stock ownership, participation in company boards of directors or advisory boards, consulting, or receipt of speaker fees.

For Authors:

  • Declare all sources of conflicts of interest when submitting the manuscript through the ScholarOne system, including, but not limited to, commercial and other relationships.
  • If there are no conflicts to declare, this should be explicitly stated in the cover letter.
  • The corresponding author should ensure review of this policy with all co-authors and collective disclosure of all relevant relationships

For Reviewers and Editors:

  • Declare any conflicts of interest directly to the journal or editor-in-chief before initiating the review process or making editorial decisions.
  • Clearly detail relevant conflicts or confirm absence of conflicts.

Important Considerations:

  • The existence of a conflict of interest does not prevent the publication of a manuscript, but transparency is vital for an impartial evaluation.
  • Readers should be informed of any competing interests of the authors when an article is published.
  • This process aims to ensure maximum transparency and integrity throughout all stages of the editorial and scientific publication process of BJCVS


Use of Similarity Verification Software


BJCVS is committed to academic integrity and originality in published works. To ensure authenticity and prevent misappropriation of ideas, processes, results or words from others without proper recognition, we have adopted a strict similarity verification policy.

Verification Policy:

  • Which Cases Are Verified: All manuscripts submitted to BJCVS are verified through Similarity Check. This software is an advanced tool that compares submitted manuscripts with an extensive database of published content to identify potential text overlaps. This includes original articles, reviews, brief communications, and other types of articles.
  • Timing of Verification: Similarity verification is performed at the beginning of the editorial evaluation process, prior to peer review. This ensures that originality issues are identified and addressed early in the submission and evaluation process.
  • Consequences of Detected Similarity: Manuscripts exhibiting significant similarity with other published works, indicative of plagiarism, will be rejected. BJCVS understands plagiarism as a serious violation of ethics in scientific publishing.
  • Authors' Responsibility: Authors are fully responsible for the content and information presented in their manuscripts. They are expected to adhere to ethical standards for citation and recognition of previous work.
  • Sanctions: Authors whose manuscripts contain plagiarism may face sanctions determined by the BJCVS Editorial Board. These sanctions may include the prohibition on future submissions to the journal for a specified period, along with other measures based on the severity of the case.


Sex and Gender Issues


Inclusive language, which is sensitive to differences and promotes equal opportunities, is essential in the composition of scientific manuscripts. BJCVS advises authors to ensure their manuscript writing is free of prejudices, stereotypes, colloquialisms, and references to the dominant culture. It is important to avoid descriptors that refer to irrelevant personal attributes and to opt for plural nouns to pursue gender neutrality. In addition, the use of offensive or exclusionary terms in coding terminology should be avoided.

Aligned with the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines, BJCVS emphasizes the need for explicit inclusion and analysis of sex and gender data in surveys, where applicable. Authors should clearly report sex and gender determination methods and analyze how these variables affect research results.

It is essential to discuss the relevance of sex and gender in the results and to consider these differences in data interpretation. This commitment to accuracy and equity in research is reflected not only in the content but also in the language used in the manuscripts.

For further information on inclusive writing practices and the SAGER guidelines, see chapter 11 of the AMA Manual of Style,11th ed.



Ethics Committee


Research Ethics Committee Involving Human Subjects: All research involving human subjects submitted to BJCVS must be approved by a Research Ethics Committee (REC) of the responsible institution, adhering to the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki, revised in 2013 (Declaration of Helsinki), and Resolution 466/2012 of the Brazilian National Health Council.

Manuscripts must be accompanied by a statement confirming that the research was conducted with informed and appropriate consent from all participants involved. Written consent must be obtained from the patient (or their legal guardian or executor, if applicable) for the publication of any details or photographs that may identify an individual.

International research authors should ensure that their studies have obtained approval from an appropriate ethics committee and provide documentation supporting this approval. Authors should be aware of and adhere to the ethical standards of their local jurisdictions, in addition to complying with global ethical guidelines.

Experimental Research Involving Animals: Experimental studies involving animals must comply with the ARRIVE (Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments) and PREPARE (Planning Research and Experimental Procedures on Animals: Recommendations for Excellence) guidelines. These guidelines must be applied alongside the Brazilian Guideline for the Care and Use of Animals in Teaching or Scientific Research Activities (DBCA), issued by the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (CONCEA).

The PREPARE Guide is available at:
The ARRIVE Guide is available at:
DBCA (CONCEA Normative Resolution No. 55) can be accessed at:





BJCVS adopts a copyright policy aligned with the recommendations of the SciELO Criteria. These recommendations are essential to protect authors’ interests, while promoting the open and ethical dissemination of scientific knowledge.

  • Copyright Ownership: Authors who publish in BJCVS retain the copyright to their works. This means that although the article is published under the aegis of the BJCVS, the intellectual property of the work remains with the author.
  • Creative Commons Licensing: To facilitate the reuse and distribution of works, articles in BJCVS are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. This license allows third parties to use and share the published works, provided they attribute the appropriate credit to the original author and acknowledge the publication in BJCVS. This approach promotes the dissemination of scientific knowledge in an ethical and accessible manner, allowing works to be widely distributed and reused without restrictions.
  • Correct Citation of Original Work: In compliance with the CC-BY license, any reuse or distribution of articles published in the BJCVS must include the correct citation of the original work. This ensures that authors receive due recognition for their work and maintains the academic integrity of the publication process. BJCVS’s copyright policy reflects our commitment to promoting Open Science and respecting authors' rights and contributions. By publishing in BJCVS, authors gain visibility and recognition for their work, while contributing to the advancement of knowledge in cardiovascular surgery.


Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


Website’s Responsibility:

Copyright terms applied to the content published on BJCVS must be clearly stated and differentiated from the copyright terms applied to the website itself. This ensures transparency and a clear understanding of rights and obligations related to the journal content and website.

Author's Responsibility:

The use of generic names, trade names, and trademarks, among others, in this publication does not imply that such names are exempt from copyright restrictions and applicable regulations. Authors are responsible for obtaining necessary permissions for the reuse of copyrighted materials included in their manuscript.

The views expressed by the authors are solely their own responsibility.

License Adopted by the Journal:

All journal content and articles published by BJCVS, unless otherwise specified, are published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license. Authors retain the copyright of their works, licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.

Self-Archiving by Authors:

BJCVS encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts by posting them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media platforms. Authors can also post their papers on personal social media accounts, as long as they include the full citation to the version published on the journal's website.



Sponsors and Funding Agencies




Editorial Board








Former Editors

  • Prof. Dr. Adib D. Jatene – São Paulo (BRA) [1986-1996], in memoriam
  • Prof. Dr. Fábio B. Jatene PhD – São Paulo (BRA) [1996-2002]
  • Prof. Dr. Domingo M. Braile [2003-2020], in memoriam


Associated Editors


Technological Advances in Cardiovascular Surgery

Congenital Cardiac Diseases and Pediatrics

Cardiovascular and Rehabilitation

Aortic Surgery

Adult Cardiovascular Surgery

Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery

Preoperative Care for Cardiovascular Surgery


Electrophysiology and Cardiac Stimulation

Translational Regenerative Medicine


Basic and Experimental Research

Surgical Treatment of Heart Failure




Junior Editor(s)

  • Alvaro Perazzo, Núcleo de Transplante do Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (InCor HCFMUSP), São Paulo, SP, Brazil. Cardio-Thoracic Surgery Department, Heart and Vascular Centre, Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC), Cardiovascular Research Centre Maastricht (CARIM), Maastricht, Limburg, The Netherlands. ORCID: Lattes:
  • Leila Nogueira de Barros, Hospital do Coração, Hospital Primavera, Aracaju, SE, Brazil. ORCID:,  Lattes:


Editorial Manager

  Meryt Zanini, Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular (SBCCV), São Paulo, SP, Brasil. ORCID:, e-mail:  


Editorial Assistant



English Version

  • Priscila Zavatieri Mada
  • Renata Siqueira Campos


Graphic Design and Layout

  • Ingrid Santana Matos



Instructions to authors


Types of Accepted Documents


BJCVS accepts the following types of articles:




Abstract type

Tables/Figures (No.)

References (No.)

Original Article






Review Article






Brief Communication






How I Do It










04 (02 videos)


Letter to the Editor








  • Original Articles: Articles that report new and/or innovative results within the field of cardiovascular surgery. This category includes clinical trials, cohort studies, case-control studies, prevalence and incidence studies, accuracy and cost-benefit analyses, cross-sectional studies, epidemiological and experimental evaluations, among other observational studies.
    • Clinical Trial Registries: BJCVS supports the policies advocating for registration and international dissemination of open-access clinical trial data, as promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and ICMJE. Therefore, only clinical research articles with an identification number from recognized Clinical Trial Registries will be considered for publication.
      • All clinical trials must be prospectively registered in recognized databases, such as the Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (ReBEC) or the WHO platform.
      • The registration number must be included in the Methods section of the manuscript.
    • CONSORT guidelines: Randomized controlled trials should adhere to CONSORT guidelines. This set of recommendations aims to improve the quality of clinical trial reports.
      • Manuscripts should include the CONSORT Flow Diagram showing the number of participants in each intervention group and a detailed description of how many patients were excluded at each stage of data analysis.
      • The assay protocol (including the complete statistical analysis plan) must be submitted along with the manuscript.
  • Review Articles: Studies that use systematic methods and explicit criteria to identify, select, and critically evaluate relevant research. This category includes systematic reviews, with or without meta-analyses.
  • Brief Communication: Articles aimed at the immediate sharing of newly obtained results on topics of great interest. The focus of this type of article should be on innovative hypotheses likely to create new paradigms in the field of cardiovascular surgery.
  • How I do It: Articles that address procedures characterized by innovative features in the cardiovascular area.
  • Multimedia: Modality that allows the submission of videos (in MPEG-4 or MP4 format) or images that provide a comprehensive view of an important disease state or its treatment.
  • Letters to the Editor: These letters should provide commentary, discussion, or critique of articles published in the BJCVS, but may also address other topics of general interest.
  • Editorial: By invitation only.
  • Guidelines: Published only by decision of the Department Boards of the Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular.


Authors' Contributions


It is mandatory for each author to confirm their substantial participation in the work to assume responsibility for a significant portion of the manuscript’s content. Each author is required to specify their contributions to the work. The corresponding author or the author who submitted the work will indicate, during the submission process, the integrity and accuracy of all reported data. Except for new technology articles, statements regarding scientific responsibility are not included in the published manuscript.

BJCVS recommends authorship be determined based on the following four criteria:

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of the data for the work; and
  2. Drafting the work or reviewing it critically for important intellectual content;
  3. Final approval of the version to be published; and
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved

All contributors who do not meet the authorship criteria should be listed in the Acknowledgments section, as well as financial support from funding agencies. All this information must be included in the Cover Letter (see Article Submission Format).



Manuscript Preparation


BJCVS requires that all submitted articles meet the quality standards established by the guidelines for health research reporting of the Enhancing the Quality and Transparency of Health Research (EQUATOR) Network (

  • AGREE or RIGHT for clinical practice guidelines − AGREE and RIGHT.
  • ARRIVE for animal experiments − ARRIVE.
  • CHEERS for economic evaluations − CHEERS.
  • CONSORT for randomized trials − CONSORT.
  • PRISMA for systematic reviews − PRISMA.
  • SPIRIT or PRISMA-P for study protocols SPIRIT and PRISMA-P.
  • SQUIRE for quality improvement studies − SQUIRE.
  • STARD for diagnostic accuracy studies − STARD.
  • STROBE for observational studies − STROBE.
  • TREND for non-randomized trials − TREND.
Authors should strictly adhere to these guidelines when preparing their manuscripts for submission to BJCVS, ensuring the highest quality and transparency in their research. Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for manuscript acceptance and publication.


Article Submission Format


The articles should be divided according to the study design and adhere to the recommendations of EQUATOR Network (

  • Original Articles and Rapid Research Communications: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References.
  • Review Articles and Cutting-Edge Reviews: Sections can be structured at the author’s discretion.
  • Multimedia: Patient Characterization and Description of the Technique Employed.
  • Special Articles (New Techniques, Letter to the Editor, Editorial and Guidelines): Sections can be structured at the author’s discretion

To simplify the submission process, BJCVS recommends that authors prepare their manuscripts in separate files, as described below:

a) Cover Page and Cover Letter

Cover Page: The first page of the manuscript file must contain:

  • Title: The title of the manuscript should be concise and informative, written in English. For clinical trials, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis, include the study type with a subtitle. For example: Noninvasive ventilation during immediate postoperative period in cardiac surgery patients: systematic review and meta-analysis.
    • A running title must be provided and follow the specified limit according to the type of manuscript.
    • Titles requiring more extensive wording should be submitted for approval by the Editor-in-Chief
  • Authors' names: The full names of the authors, along with their respective responsibilities, must adhere to the ICMJE authorship criteria (information provided below). Each author’s affiliation must include university, department, city, zip code, country, email address and ORCID (all authors must be registered in ORCID – Open Researcher and Contributor ID – A corresponding author must be indicated.
  • Authors' Responsibility: As described in Authors' Contributions.
  • Conflicts of Interest Statement: A clear explanation regarding the existence of any conflicts of interest should be provided (see Conflicts of Interest Policy).
  • Funding: All sources of research support (if any), as well as the project number and responsible institution, must be declared. The role of funding agencies in study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, and manuscript writing should be stated in the Acknowledgments section.
  • Acknowledgments: All contributors who have made substantial contributions to the manuscript (e.g., data collection, analysis, writing, or editing assistance), but who do not meet the criteria for authorship, should be acknowledged with their specific contributions in the Acknowledgments section.

Cover Letter: The cover letter should be submitted separately from the manuscript and should inform the reasons why the BJCVS was selected for submission, including mentioning the scientific contributions of the manuscript to the subject matter.

b) Manuscript Setup

When preparing your manuscript for submission to BJCVS, follow these detailed guidelines to ensure compliance with the journal's standards:

  • File Format: Upload your manuscript in a Microsoft Word file format.
  • Page Dimensions: Use A4 size paper (210 x 297 mm).
  • Margins: Set margins to 2 cm on all sides.
  • Font and Spacing: Use Times New Roman font size 12, with a 1.5 pt spacing between lines.


Abstract structure

Manuscript structure

Original Article
 Review Article



Funding (if any)

Brief Communication



Comments References

How I Do It


Technique or Procedure



Case Presentation
Description of the Technique Employed

Letter to the Editor, Editorial and Guidelines



Other Important Guidelines:

  • Title and Abstract: Include the title and abstract in the manuscript, but make sure they do not contain any identifying information. The abstract should be structured into four sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Avoid using abbreviations. The maximum number of words in the abstract should follow the recommendations for each type of manuscript. In the New Techniques type, the Abstract must be unstructured. Multimedia articles do not require an Abstract.
  • Keywords: Provide three to five English descriptors. Refer to DeCS Finder or MeSH on Demand.
  • Abbreviations and Terminology: Minimize the use of abbreviations. Define all abbreviations in tables and figures within their respective captions. Follow the Anatomical Terminology of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA).
  • Units of Measurement: Employ the International System of Units (SI).

Anonymity of the Manuscript

When preparing your manuscript for the review process in BJCVS, it is essential to ensure that the authors’ identities remain hidden. Follow these guidelines to maintain anonymity:

  1. Anonymity in the Manuscript and Supplemental Files: Avoid including names, affiliations, or any personal information in the manuscript or any supplemental documents.
  2. References to Previous Work: When citing previous work, use neutral language. For example, replace phrases like “as demonstrated in our previous studies” with “as demonstrated in previous studies.”
  3. Anonymity in Figures and Tables: Make sure that figures and tables do not contain names or marks that can identify the authors or their institutions.
  4. Information in Cover Letter: Include details such as acknowledgments, author contributions, and the order of names in the cover letter rather than in the main manuscript. This information will be considered upon completion of the peer review.
  5. Metadata Removal: Before submitting files, remove any metadata that may contain personal information by accessing the "properties" of the file in your word processor or PDF reader.
  6. Conflicts of Interest Statement: Provide a full conflicts of interest statement in the cover letter. In the submission system, provide only a basic statement indicating the presence or absence of conflicts of interest. This information will be shared with reviewers.
  7. Document Identification in Submission: Avoid adding names or personal identifications to any submitted documents, including checklists or editorial policy summaries. Use a manuscript identification code if available.


Digital Assets


Tables and Figures

Numbering and Titles: Tables and Figures must be sequentially numbered according to the order of appearance in the text, with each accompanied by a descriptive title.

  • Data Redundancy: Tables should not duplicate information already discussed in the text. The goal is to present data in a complementary and non-repetitive way.
  • Table Design: Tables should have open sides and a white background. This helps in the clarity and readability of the presented data.
  • Use of Abbreviations:
    • In Tables: All abbreviations used must be listed alphabetically at the bottom of the table, accompanied by their full forms.
    • In Figures: The abbreviations must be explained in the figure captions.
  • Publication of Color Figures: Color figures will be published only if the author agrees to cover the associated printing costs.
  • Image Formats and Resolution:
    • Accepted formats: TIFF or JPEG.
    • Minimum resolutions:
      • 1,200 dpi for simple black and white graphics.
      • 300 dpi for black and white photographs.
      • 600 dpi for color photographs.
  • Archiving Original Images: We request that the authors retain the original images. If the images submitted online present problems for printing, authors will be contacted to provide the originals


  • How to submit: Videos can be submitted via ScholarOne as a Supplemental File, along with the article.
  • Accepted Formats: MPEG-4 and MP4 are the approved digital formats for videos.
  • Content and Duration:
    • Videos should be succinct. Publishers reserve the right to request shorter video lengths if necessary.
    • The video must be of high quality (both in content and visibility) and must illustrate the characteristics described in the manuscript.
    • Video content must conform directly to the video subtitle content.
    • Avoid explicit product advertising in videos; focus on educational content.
  • Patient Consent:
    • The corresponding author must confirm, in the Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA), that signed release forms have been obtained from all individuals depicted in the videos, authorizing offline and/or online distribution of the material.
    • To protect patient privacy, avoid identifying individuals in the videos.
  • Editorial Rights:
    • BJCVS Editors reserve the right to request additional edits to the videos from the authors prior to acceptance for publication.


Citations and References


References must be standardized according to the Vancouver style, as outlined by ICMJE (examples of references available at:

References must be identified, in the body of the text, with Arabic numerals, placed in superscript, within square brackets, and follow the citation order in the text. It is the author's responsibility to ensure the accuracy of references.

  • When citing more than two references in sequence, only the first and last should be listed, separated by a dash (Example: [6-9]). In case of alternate citation, all references must be listed, separated by a comma (Example: [6,7,9]).
  • Avoid citing theses, dissertations, books and chapters, newspapers or non-scientific journals (magazines) and in the press, unless they are theoretical references (e.g., Cochrane Handbook).
  • BJCVS encourages the use of DOI, as it guarantees a permanent access link to the electronic article.
  • For articles or texts published online without a DOI, provide the complete URL address as well as the date of access when consulted.

Preprints: When citing a manuscript initially published in a preprint repository that is subsequently published as a peer-reviewed article, the official publication should be used as a reference. However, preprints that are fundamental to the development of the manuscript or cover important advances in the area, yet have not been formally published, may be cited. Preprints should be explicitly identified as such, for example:

  • Li X, Lidsky P, Xiao Y, Wu CT, GarciaKnight M, Yang J, Nakayama T, Nayak JV, Jackson PK, Andino R, Shu X. Ethacridine inhibits SARS-CoV-2 by inactivating viral particles in cellular models. bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2020 Nov 2:2020.10.28.359042. doi: 10.1101/2020.10.28.359042.

Data Reference: BJCVS encourages the citation of an underlying or relevant dataset in manuscripts by mentioning them it in the text and including them into the References section. Data references should contain author(s) name(s), dataset title, data repository, version (if available), year, and global persistent identifier. Example:

Research Data: Coin L. Genomics of development and disease [dataset]. 2014 Jun 1 [cited 2017 Jun 9]. The University of Queensland. Available from:

Repository Data: Dryad Digital Repository [Internet]. Durham (NC): Dryad. 2008 Jan - [cited 2014 Oct 3]. Available from:

Data Deposited in Repositories: Kraemer MUG, Sinka ME, Duda KA, Mylne A, Shearer FM, Brady OJ, Messina JP, Barker CM, Moore CG, Carvalho RG, Coelho GE, Van Bortel W, Hendrickx G, Schaffner F, Wint GRW, Elyazar IRF, Teng H, Hay SI. The global compendium of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus occurrence [dataset]. 2015 Jun 30 [cited 2015 Oct 23]. In: Dryad Digital Repository [Internet]. Durham (NC): Dryad. 2008 Jan - . 3 files: 3,406 MB; 1,549 MB; 1,815 MB. Available from: Referenced in doi: 10.7554/eLife.08347

Data Described in Articles: Kraemer MUG, Sinka ME, Duda KA, Mylne A, Shearer FM, Brady OJ, Messina JP, Barker CM, Moore CG, Carvalho RG, Coelho GE, Van Bortel W, Hendrickx G, Schaffner F, Wint GRW, Elyazar IRF, Teng H, Hay SI. The global compendium of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus occurrence [dataset]. Sci Data. 2015 Jul 7 [cited 2015 Oct 23];2:150035. Available from: doi: 10.1038/sdata.



Supplementary Documents


To submit a manuscript to BJCVS, authors must use the online submission system provided by ScholarOne, available at The submission must include the following components:

  1. Cover Letter, explaining why BJCVS was chosen for the submission. It should also highlight the scientific contributions of the manuscript to the relevant topic.
  2. Conflicts of Interest Statement of each author (the statement must be completed through the ScholarOne platform).
  3. Open Science Compliance Form
  4. Cover Page
  5. Manuscript
  6. Upon acceptance of the manuscript: Authors' Declaration duly signed by all.
Each document must be attached separately in the designated field within the ScholarOne system. Before starting the process, the person responsible for the submission must previously register in the system as an author and create/associate their ORCID registration – All authors must have their registration associated with an updated ORCID.


Funding Statement


Authors are required to provide detailed information about the sources of support for their work when submitting their manuscripts to the BJCVS. This includes:

  1. Identification of Sponsors:
    • List all sponsors of the work, including institutions, organizations, or individuals who have provided financial or other support.
  2. Contract Details:
    • If applicable, please provide the contract number or any other specific reference related to the financial support.
  3. Role of Sources of Support:
    • Clearly describe the role played by each source of support in the development of the work. This may include, but is not limited to, contributions in study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, manuscript writing, or the decision to submit the article for publication.

Providing this information is critical to ensuring the transparency and integrity of the scientific process, allowing readers to assess the potential impact of funding sources on the work. Information on sources of support should be included in the appropriate section of the manuscript as per BJCVS guidelines.



Additional Information


The corresponding author will receive a proof of the manuscript in a text file (.doc or .docx), containing observations and changes made by the technical review team. The author will have four days to review the proof. Should any questions arise regarding the proof, the editorial team will contact the author to solve them, until a final version of the text is reached.

Upon acceptance of the manuscript, the corresponding authors will receive the finalized article in PDF format for approval. Adobe Acrobat Reader must be installed to access these files (available for free download at Corrections requested at this stage should be limited to typographical errors and should not involve changes to the content of the study or the list of authors. Authors must return the approved version via email within 48 hours of receiving the message. Upon completion of the PDF production process, the article will be sent for publication.



Contact Information


Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular
Rua Afonso Celso, 1178
Vila Mariana, CEP: 04119-061
São Paulo - SP - Brazil





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