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Conservative operation of tricuspide valve for the treatment of infective endocarditis

Pablo M. A PomerantzeffI; Ricardo Barros CorsoI; Alfredo José MansurI; José Otávio C Auler JúniorI; Max GrinbergI; Noedir A. G StolfI; Adib D JateneI

DOI: 10.1590/S0102-76381993000400007


Valve replacement and excision without using a prosthesis are the two mostfrequently used surgical techniques for the treatment of infective endocarditis of the tricuspid valve. Conservative operation with preservation of the native valve and resection of the infected tissue is a more recent approach, which is becoming the procedure of choice whenever feasible, specialy in intravenous drug abusers. Two cases of tricuspid valve reconstruction with good results are reported. One of the patients has also been aorto coronary bypassed at the same operation time.


O comprometimento valvar direto do coração pela endocardite infecciosa, com indicação cirúrgica, tem sido classicamente tratada por excisão da valva e tecidos adjacentes comprometidos, associada ou não a implante de prótese. Dois casos de operação conservadora em endocardite infecciosa da valva tricúspide com 42 e 3 meses de evolução são descritos. Os autores discutem as vantagens de, quando possível, não retirar toda a valva tricúspide na endocardite bacteriana.
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Article receive on Wednesday, December 1, 1993

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